The models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media and food.
There can be no guarantee that predicted values will match those that would occur in any specific food system. Before the models could be used in such a manner, the user would have to validate the models for each specific food of interest.
Time-Temperature Data Format This page loads with sample data in the textbox. This format should be followed when entering or pasting data into the textbox. Specifically, please enter cooling profile data as follows:
If using the Browse button to load the data from a text file, the file must:
Clicking on the Calculate Growth Data button will use data provided in the file, if specified, or the data in the textbox if no file is specified. The data from the file will be loaded into the textbox. Please confirm the temperature profile is charted correctly.
V.K. Juneja and H.M. Marks, Proteolytic Clostridium botulinum Growth at 12-48°C Simulating the Cooling of Cooked Meat: Development of a Predictive Model: Food Microbiology (1999) 16:583-592