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The models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media and food.

There can be no guarantee that predicted values will match those that would occur in any specific food system. Before the models could be used in such a manner, the user would have to validate the models for each specific food of interest.


Predictive thermal inactivation model for the combined effect of temperature, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol on starvation-stressed multiple Salmonella serotypes in ground chicken

Input Conditions

Range: 0 to 1.0 (vol/wt%)
Range: 0 to 1.0 (vol/wt%)
Modeled Parameters
Temperature (°C) Time to 7 log Reduction (s / min) LCL (5%) UCL (95%)
60.0 1570.81 / 26.18 586.54 / 9.78 4206.73 / 70.11
60.5 1393.18 / 23.22 520.22 / 8.67 3731.03 / 62.18
61.0 1235.64 / 20.59 461.39 / 7.69 3309.13 / 55.15
61.5 1095.91 / 18.27 409.22 / 6.82 2934.93 / 48.92
62.0 971.99 / 16.20 362.94 / 6.05 2603.05 / 43.38
62.5 862.08 / 14.37 321.90 / 5.37 2308.70 / 38.48
63.0 764.59 / 12.74 285.50 / 4.76 2047.63 / 34.13
63.5 678.13 / 11.30 253.22 / 4.22 1816.09 / 30.27
64.0 601.45 / 10.02 224.58 / 3.74 1610.73 / 26.85
64.5 533.44 / 8.89 199.19 / 3.32 1428.59 / 23.81
65.0 473.12 / 7.89 176.66 / 2.94 1267.04 / 21.12
65.5 419.62 / 6.99 156.69 / 2.61 1123.77 / 18.73
66.0 372.17 / 6.20 138.97 / 2.32 996.69 / 16.61
66.5 330.08 / 5.50 123.25 / 2.05 883.99 / 14.73
67.0 292.76 / 4.88 109.32 / 1.82 784.02 / 13.07
67.5 259.65 / 4.33 96.96 / 1.62 695.37 / 11.59
68.0 230.29 / 3.84 85.99 / 1.43 616.74 / 10.28
68.5 204.25 / 3.40 76.27 / 1.27 547.00 / 9.12
69.0 181.15 / 3.02 67.64 / 1.13 485.14 / 8.09
69.5 160.67 / 2.68 59.99 / 1.00 430.28 / 7.17
70.0 142.50 / 2.38 53.21 / 0.89 381.63 / 6.36
70.5 126.39 / 2.11 47.19 / 0.79 338.47 / 5.64
71.0 112.09 / 1.87 41.86 / 0.70 300.20 / 5.00

Vijay K. Juneja, Ursula Gonzales-Barron, Francis Butler, Ajit S. Yadav, Mendel Friedman. Predictive thermal inactivation model for the combined effect of temperature, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol on starvation-stressed multiple Salmonella serotypes in ground chicken. International Journal of Food Microbiology 165 (2013) 184–199.