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Model >> Bacterium
Bacteria >> Model

The models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media and food.

There can be no guarantee that predicted values will match those that would occur in any specific food system. Before the models could be used in such a manner, the user would have to validate the models for each specific food of interest.


Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in Salmon during Simulated Smoking Processes

Input Conditions*

Range: 0 to 6 (%)
Range: 0 to 15 (ppm)
Modeled Inactivation Rate
Temperature (°C) Inactivation Rate
40 0.0048
41 0.0060
42 0.0078
43 0.0104
44 0.0142
45 0.0200
46 0.0290
47 0.0432
48 0.0662
49 0.1042
50 0.1686
51 0.2804
52 0.4793
53 0.8424
54 1.5220
55 2.8267

Cheng-An Hwang, Shiowshuh Sheen, Vijay K. Juneja. Effect of Salt, Smoke Compound, and Temperature on the Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in Salmon during Simulated Smoking Processes Journal of Food Science, Vol. 74, No. 9, 2009. P. M522-M529.