Select A Pathogen Model
Model >> Bacterium
Bacteria >> Model

The models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media and food.

There can be no guarantee that predicted values will match those that would occur in any specific food system. Before the models could be used in such a manner, the user would have to validate the models for each specific food of interest.


Staphylococcus aureus (Broth Culture, Aerobic)

Input Conditions

Range: 10 to 42 °C
Range: 4.5 to 9.0
Range: 0.5 to 12.5 (% [g/dL])
Range: 0.0 to 150.0 (ppm)
Range: 1 - 6
Range: 0 - 5000 hours
Line chart of data points for modeled transfer. Also available in a table format below the chart.
Modeled Growth
Time (h) log10 cfu/ml
0 3.000 3.000 3.000
10 3.000 3.000 3.013
20 3.001 3.000 3.376
30 3.026 3.000 4.739
40 3.204 3.000 6.503
50 3.739 3.000 7.822
60 4.653 3.002 8.579
70 5.732 3.014 8.964
80 6.740 3.063 9.148
90 7.550 3.195 9.234
100 8.143 3.459 9.274
110 8.552 3.875 9.292
120 8.824 4.422 9.300
130 9.001 5.051 9.304
140 9.114 5.704 9.306
150 9.186 6.330 9.307
160 9.231 6.896 9.307
170 9.260 7.386 9.307
180 9.278 7.796 9.307
190 9.289 8.130 9.307
200 9.296 8.398 9.307
210 9.300 8.608 9.307
220 9.303 8.773 9.307
230 9.305 8.900 9.307
240 9.306 8.998 9.307
250 9.306 9.072 9.307
260 9.307 9.129 9.307
270 9.307 9.173 9.307
280 9.307 9.205 9.307
290 9.307 9.230 9.307
300 9.307 9.249 9.307
310 9.307 9.263 9.307
320 9.307 9.274 9.307
330 9.307 9.282 9.307
340 9.307 9.289 9.307
350 9.307 9.293 9.307
360 9.307 9.297 9.307
370 9.307 9.299 9.307
380 9.307 9.301 9.307
390 9.307 9.303 9.307
400 9.307 9.304 9.307
410 9.307 9.305 9.307
420 9.307 9.305 9.307
430 9.307 9.306 9.307
440 9.307 9.306 9.307
450 9.307 9.307 9.307
460 9.307 9.307 9.307
470 9.307 9.307 9.307
480 9.307 9.307 9.307
490 9.307 9.307 9.307
500 9.307 9.307 9.307

R.L. Buchanan, J.L. Smith, C. McColgan, B.S. Marmer, M.H. Golden and B.J. Dell, Response Surface Models for the Effects of Temperature, pH, Sodium Chloride, and Sodium Nitrite on the Aerobic and Anaerobic Growth of Staphylococcus aureus 196E:  Journal of Food Safety (1993) 13:159-175.