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Model >> Bacterium
Bacteria >> Model

The models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media and food.

There can be no guarantee that predicted values will match those that would occur in any specific food system. Before the models could be used in such a manner, the user would have to validate the models for each specific food of interest.


Listeria monocytogenes (Broth Culture, Aerobic, aW)

Input Conditions

Range: 4 to 37 °C
Range: 4.5 to 7.5
Range: 0.928 to 0.997
Range: 0.0 to 150.0 (ppm)
Range: 1 - 6
Range: 10 - 600 hours
Line chart of data points for modeled transfer. Also available in a table format below the chart.
Modeled Growth
Time (h) log10 cfu/ml
0.0 3.021 3.018 3.023
0.5 3.043 3.037 3.050
1.0 3.081 3.067 3.097
1.5 3.141 3.115 3.172
2.0 3.229 3.184 3.282
2.5 3.349 3.280 3.433
3.0 3.506 3.406 3.626
3.5 3.699 3.562 3.861
4.0 3.927 3.750 4.135
4.5 4.187 3.967 4.440
5.0 4.472 4.210 4.769
5.5 4.778 4.475 5.114
6.0 5.097 4.757 5.466
6.5 5.421 5.051 5.817
7.0 5.746 5.351 6.160
7.5 6.066 5.651 6.490
8.0 6.375 5.949 6.803
8.5 6.671 6.239 7.095
9.0 6.950 6.519 7.367
9.5 7.212 6.786 7.616
10.0 7.455 7.038 7.842
10.5 7.679 7.275 8.047
11.0 7.883 7.496 8.231
11.5 8.069 7.700 8.395
12.0 8.238 7.888 8.541
12.5 8.390 8.060 8.671
13.0 8.526 8.218 8.785
13.5 8.648 8.360 8.886
14.0 8.757 8.490 8.974
14.5 8.853 8.606 9.052
15.0 8.939 8.712 9.120
15.5 9.015 8.806 9.179
16.0 9.083 8.891 9.231
16.5 9.142 8.966 9.276
17.0 9.194 9.034 9.315
17.5 9.241 9.095 9.349
18.0 9.281 9.148 9.378
18.5 9.317 9.196 9.404
19.0 9.348 9.239 9.426
19.5 9.376 9.277 9.446
20.0 9.400 9.311 9.462
20.5 9.421 9.340 9.477
21.0 9.440 9.367 9.489
21.5 9.456 9.390 9.500
22.0 9.470 9.411 9.510
22.5 9.483 9.430 9.518
23.0 9.494 9.446 9.525
23.5 9.503 9.460 9.531
24.0 9.512 9.473 9.536
24.5 9.519 9.484 9.541
25.0 9.525 9.494 9.545
25.5 9.531 9.503 9.548
26.0 9.536 9.511 9.551
26.5 9.540 9.518 9.554
27.0 9.544 9.524 9.556
27.5 9.547 9.529 9.558
28.0 9.550 9.534 9.559
28.5 9.553 9.538 9.561
29.0 9.555 9.542 9.562
29.5 9.557 9.545 9.563
30.0 9.558 9.548 9.564

R.L. Buchanan, H.G. Stahl and R.C. Whiting, Effects and Interactions of Temperature, pH, Atmosphere, Sodium Chloride, and Sodium Nitrite on the Growth of Listeria monocytogenes:  Journal of Food Protection (1989) 52(12):844-851.

R.L. Buchanan and J.G. Phillips, Response Surface Model for Predicting the Effects of Temperature, pH, Sodium Chloride content, Sodium Nitrite Concentration, and Atmosphere on the Growth of Listeria monocytogenes.:  J. Food Protection (1990) 53:370-376.