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Model >> Bacterium
Bacteria >> Model

The models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media and food.

There can be no guarantee that predicted values will match those that would occur in any specific food system. Before the models could be used in such a manner, the user would have to validate the models for each specific food of interest.


Listeria monocytogenes (Broth Culture, Anaerobic, NaCl)

Input Conditions

Range: 4 to 37 °C
Range: 4.5 to 8.0
Range: 0.5 to 5.0 (% [g/dL])
Range: 0.0 to 150.0 (ppm)
Range: 1 - 6
Range: 10 - 200 hours
Line chart of data points for modeled transfer. Also available in a table format below the chart.
Modeled Growth
Time (h) log10 cfu/ml
0 3.003 3.002 3.003
1 3.004 3.003 3.005
2 3.007 3.005 3.009
3 3.011 3.008 3.015
4 3.017 3.012 3.023
5 3.024 3.017 3.035
6 3.035 3.024 3.052
7 3.049 3.033 3.074
8 3.068 3.045 3.103
9 3.091 3.059 3.139
10 3.120 3.078 3.185
11 3.155 3.100 3.240
12 3.198 3.127 3.306
13 3.248 3.159 3.383
14 3.307 3.196 3.472
15 3.374 3.240 3.572
16 3.450 3.290 3.683
17 3.534 3.346 3.805
18 3.628 3.409 3.938
19 3.730 3.479 4.081
20 3.841 3.555 4.232
21 3.960 3.639 4.391
22 4.085 3.729 4.556
23 4.218 3.825 4.727
24 4.356 3.928 4.901
25 4.500 4.037 5.078
26 4.648 4.150 5.257
27 4.799 4.269 5.437
28 4.953 4.392 5.615
29 5.110 4.519 5.792
30 5.267 4.649 5.967
31 5.424 4.782 6.139
32 5.581 4.917 6.306
33 5.737 5.053 6.470
34 5.891 5.191 6.628
35 6.043 5.329 6.781
36 6.192 5.467 6.928
37 6.339 5.604 7.070
38 6.481 5.741 7.206
39 6.620 5.877 7.336
40 6.755 6.010 7.459
41 6.886 6.142 7.577
42 7.012 6.272 7.689
43 7.133 6.398 7.795
44 7.250 6.523 7.895
45 7.363 6.644 7.989
46 7.471 6.762 8.079
47 7.574 6.876 8.163
48 7.672 6.988 8.242
49 7.766 7.095 8.316
50 7.856 7.200 8.386
51 7.941 7.300 8.451
52 8.022 7.397 8.513
53 8.099 7.491 8.570
54 8.172 7.581 8.624
55 8.241 7.667 8.674
56 8.307 7.750 8.721
57 8.369 7.830 8.764
58 8.427 7.906 8.805
59 8.483 7.979 8.843
60 8.535 8.048 8.878
61 8.584 8.115 8.911
62 8.631 8.179 8.942
63 8.674 8.239 8.971
64 8.716 8.297 8.997
65 8.754 8.352 9.022
66 8.791 8.404 9.045
67 8.825 8.454 9.066
68 8.858 8.502 9.086
69 8.888 8.547 9.105
70 8.916 8.590 9.122
71 8.943 8.630 9.138
72 8.968 8.669 9.152
73 8.992 8.705 9.166
74 9.014 8.740 9.179
75 9.035 8.773 9.191
76 9.054 8.804 9.202
77 9.072 8.834 9.212
78 9.090 8.862 9.221
79 9.106 8.888 9.230
80 9.121 8.913 9.238
81 9.135 8.937 9.245
82 9.148 8.960 9.252
83 9.160 8.981 9.259
84 9.172 9.001 9.265
85 9.183 9.020 9.270
86 9.193 9.038 9.275
87 9.202 9.055 9.280
88 9.211 9.071 9.285
89 9.220 9.086 9.289
90 9.227 9.100 9.292
91 9.235 9.114 9.296
92 9.241 9.127 9.299
93 9.248 9.139 9.302
94 9.254 9.150 9.305
95 9.259 9.161 9.308
96 9.265 9.171 9.310
97 9.270 9.181 9.312
98 9.274 9.190 9.314
99 9.278 9.198 9.316
100 9.282 9.206 9.318

R.L. Buchanan, H.G. Stahl and R.C. Whiting, Effects and Interactions of Temperature, pH, Atmosphere, Sodium Chloride, and Sodium Nitrite on the Growth of Listeria monocytogenes:  Journal of Food Protection (1989) 52(12):844-851.

R.L. Buchanan and J.G. Phillips, Response Surface Model for Predicting the Effects of Temperature, pH, Sodium Chloride content, Sodium Nitrite Concentration, and Atmosphere on the Growth of Listeria monocytogenes.:  J. Food Protection (1990) 53:370-376.